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Comparison with official specifications

FoV Table

The following table shows a comparison between the values reported by the manufacturer and the ones we obtained. For comparison we also include the rendered values as reported by Richard Musil’s database.

As it can be observed, manufacturers’ claims are usually not met. The HMD’s FoV is smaller than what they report.

We recommend that in the future, manufacturers provide a more accurate FoV report. Including the average eye relief distance and how the FOV was measured.

HMD Bino. FoV Official Specifications Rendered (Musil database)
StarVR One 182 x 99° 210 x 130° 178 x 117°
HTC Vive Pro 94 x 91° 110° 107 x 108°
HTC Vive 96 x 95° 110° 109 x 112°
Pico Neo 2 86 x 88° 101° 101 x 101°
Oculus Rift DK2 94 x 101° 100° 93 x 106°
Fove 0 86 x 92° Up to 100° 88 x 95°

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