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Luminance measurements

Luminance values Figure In some psychophysical experiments, the stimulus’s luminance and contrast have to be carefully controlled. However, this is not usually the case in virtual reality, where each headset has different display panels (even different display panel technologies).

To provide a better replicability across studies using different headsets, the luminance at different values that each headset is capable of producing is measured.


The virtual environment’s skybox in Unity was fixed at Hue and Saturation, while “Value” was increased from 0 to 100 (in steps of 10). At each step, three luminance measurements were taken using the luminance-meter (Konica Minolta LS-110, Konica Minolta, Inc., Tokyo, Japan) with the close-up lens in a dark room.

Luminance Table

Results of "Value" in HSV Color space for the different stimulus luminance in the Goldmann. "o.o.r." stands for out of range.
HMD / Values Background Stimulus Max Min
(2) (3) (cd m-²)
10 cd m-²
31.5 asb
32 100 - -
HTC Vive 28.8 46.5 76.81 178.7 0.0
HTC Vive Pro 33.8 55.6 93.4 116.1 0.0
Star VR One 42.6 70.08 o.o.r. 68.4 0.0
Oculus Rift DK2 39.9 71.9 o.o.r. 62.4 0.0
Pico Neo 2 43.5 74.0 o.o.r. 60.5 0.1
Fove 0 29.1 55.3 o.o.r. 97.2 0.1

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